miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011

Forks Over Knives - 6 May 2011

Director: Lee Fulkerson 
Screenwriter: Lee Fulkerson 
Starring: Joey Aucoin, Neal Barnard, Gene Baur 
Genre: Documentary

Plot Summary: "Forks Over Knives" examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods. The film features leading experts on health and tackles the issue of diet and disease in a way that will have people talking for years.What has happened to us? Despite the most advanced medical technology in the world, we are sicker than ever by nearly every measure. Two out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country's three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to "battle" these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases. Could it be there's a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive but so utterly straightforward, that it's mind-boggling that more of us haven't taken it seriously?

For more details click here.  

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